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- -----------------------------
- We journey into the twilight zone with three people who recall,
- under hypnosis, their astonishing experiences of alien abduction
- - and bizarre experiments.
- You may find some of the facts far-fetched. Others you may
- feel are simply figments of people's imaginations - but they
- will all make you think twice about UFOs.
- We take a look at three close encounters, accounts by people
- whom UFO experts believe have been abducted by
- extra-terrestrials, and talk to an Adelaide farmer who believes
- his property was used as a landing site.
- Roy Lake, 53 chairman of UFO Studies, an international
- organisation with its head office in London, has been studying
- UFOs for 33 years. He formed his group two years ago with three
- people, and now has 18 investigators. "The subject goes a lot
- further than the public's perception of little green men," Roy
- says.
- "When you mention abductions and flying saucers, people
- ridicule it. But you can't dispute the evidence that is
- materialising to the contrary. And unfortunately, a lot of
- prople are too scared to talk about it."
- Tony Dodd, 57, is the director of investigation and research
- for UFO Magazine, and he had his first encounter with a UFO in
- 1978. "I'm very involved with investigating abduction cases and
- I'm usually present at the regression hypnosis sessions," Tony
- says. "The similarities of the stories related by the people
- under hypnosis are so strong that even sceptics would change
- their minds.
- "We believe the aliens are involved in genetic engineering,
- but it's not new - it's been going on for centuries." Harry
- Harris, 50, a lawyer who has spent 12 years investigation
- accounts of sightings, adds: "My conclusions are that these
- people experience amnesia, and hypnosis is the only way they can
- recall the time they've lost." XX
- +----------------------------------------+
- |* Aliens are visiting so often that a |
- |spaceship is spotted somewhere in the |
- |world every 15 seconds. |
- |* Aliens are abducting women up to three|
- |months pregnant and snatching their |
- |unborn babies. |
- |* Male abductees are being used for |
- |bizarre experiments before being return-|
- |ed to earth unharmed. |
- |* If you have seen a UFO, it is likely |
- |you have unknowingly been abducted. |
- |* Governments are covering up sightings |
- |to prevent mass civilian panic. |
- |* US security services are withholding |
- |50,000 documents about UFO sightings. |
- |* UFOs have been recorded on radar sys- |
- |tems, travelling at 25,000 km/h. |
- +----------------------------------------+
- Housewife Linda Jones, 49, considers herself to be an
- ordinary person. She is married to Trevor, who works as a
- heating engineer, and they have two children. One August
- evening 13 years ago, she was out walking with her daughter and
- son, aged 15 and five, collecting wild flowers along the banks
- of a local river. She was bending down looking at a plant when
- her son suddenly said, "Look Mum, the moon's coming towards us."
- Linda saw an orange and pink ball of light heading towards
- them. "We all ducked really low in the grass," she recalls.
- "There was no noise, and at the last moment the object shot off
- to the right. It went over two hills and then appeared to drop
- vertically onto a field. I thought it was a plane on fire, so we
- started to run towards it. We got to within 30 metres and we
- could see this massive white light with an under-structure like
- a bridge, made of what looked like a mesh material," Linda says.
- "It was hovering about a metre off the ground and appeared
- to have no windows or doors. It seemed to be as light as a
- feather, even though it was about 18 metres across. "Normally,
- I'd run away from any danger, but I felt myself being drawn
- towards it. My daughter was terrified and kept shouting, "Come
- away, Mum!" But my son was quite calm.
- "As we were watching, the object kept appearing and
- disappearing - it was really weird. Eventually, we turned
- around and ran off. But as we ran, the grass blew over in front
- of us and the thing just followed us.
- "The object then disappeared, but shortly afterwards we
- spotted it trailing a plane that was about to land at the nearby
- airport." When she got home, Linda found the skin under her
- eyes was burned and scaly. She and her daughter also had violet
- scars on their left legs.
- Eighteen months later, Harry Harris, the lawyer who works
- with Roy Lake, contacted Linda and persuaded her and her
- daughter to be hypnotised. They gave their consent and, while
- under hypnosis, were videotaped. Both related the same chain of
- events. "I was running downhill and bumped into a tall human
- figure, then everthing blurred," Linda says on one of the
- videotapes.
- "I then experienced a sensation of floating. Next I was on a
- table being examined and I had a feeling of ice being put on my
- legs. There were six very tall people who looked like clones.
- They wore dark overalls up to their necks, their hair was dark
- and their eyes were black and almond-shaped."
- Linda still cannot consciously recall this event. We have
- not named her children because her son is terrified of reliving
- the sighting and, although now a teenager, he sleeps with the
- light on. Linda's daughter is now married and refuses even to
- discuss the subject because she is afraid that people will mock
- her.
- After the incident, Linda's periods stopped (she was 36
- years old), and she has since had problems with a lump in her
- neck that keeps appearing a disappearing. "I even went into
- hospital to have the lump removed. When the surgeon came for a
- last check, he found it had disappeared, so the operation was
- cancelled. At the moment, it's back. I feel like an idiot
- because I know all this is not normal," Linda says.
- "I just wish more people who have had similar experiences
- would come forward, because it would help me feel easier about
- the whole thing." XX
- It was 5:15 am and policeman Alan Godfrey, 34, was thinking
- about going home after a night on patrol. Suddenly, he saw what
- he thought was a bus. But later, in a taped interview, he said,
- "I realised it wasn't a bus. It was about six metres wide and
- four metres high, hovering just over a metre above the ground.
- The bottom half was spinning and there was a row of darkened
- windows and a dome on top."
- When he tried to report back to his headquarters, neither
- his car radio nor his pocket walkie-talkie would work. He started
- sketching the UFO, but it suddenly vanished. At first, he did
- not want to report the incident because he was afraid of
- sounding foolish. When he discovered that five other policemen
- had reported a UFO at much the same time, he decided to come
- clean.
- What mystifies Alan is that the reports were never
- investigated. "I wish now I'd slapped a parking ticket on it,
- because then at least some bureaucrat would have wanted to know
- why the fine hadn't been paid," Alan jokes. Another odd thing
- was that when UFO researchers visited Alan, they discovered that
- at least 15 minutes of that night were missing from his detailed
- log entry of the event.
- A year later, Alan was persuaded to undergo a technique
- called regression hypnosis - which is used by police enforcement
- bodies throughout the world. Hypnosis enables witnesses of
- crimes to remember in great detail facts that their concious
- minds either disregard of suppress.
- In all, Alan has been hypnotised five times and each time
- his story is the same. On each occasion, he was videotaped. The
- following is a small extract from one videotape;
- "I'm in a room now ... there's a table." (Horror on his
- face.) "There's him. Don't know who the 'him' is. About 180cm,
- like a man. He's got a sort of black and white sheet on. He has
- a beard and something like a skull cap." (Alan's face distorts
- with fear.) "They're horrible. He's touching me. He's feeling at
- the cloth ... at my clothes. They have hands and heads like a
- lamp. They're making noises."
- He stretches his lips and makes a high-pitched warbling
- noise, imitating the sound. "Joseph. I know he's Joseph. He told
- me not to be scared. These are robots. They're not humans.
- There's a dog. I think it's a dog. It's horrible. Joseph is
- leading me to a table. It's a bed. It looks like black
- leather. He wants me to get on it - not likely!
- "Now I'm getting on to the bed. I don't know why. There's a
- light ..." The stress was so great at this point that the
- psychiatrist, taking a reading from the heart monitor to which
- Alan was wired, stopped the test.
- At a later session, Alan relates in some detail an
- examination that Joseph performed on him. The last thing he
- recalls is the aliens removing his boots and looking at his
- toes. Alan later says that after seeing the craft hovering, and
- blanking out, he found himself back in the police car, with one
- boot split and a circular burn on his left instep.
- So what was his reaction when he was shown the videotapes of
- his hypnosis sessions? "I was absolutely shocked. I still can't
- conciously recall any of it." Another baffling fact is that
- several years before Alan's encounter, doctors said he was
- unable to father children after being beaten up on duty.
- But a few years after his encounter, his son John was born.
- Alan has since had a vasectomy. He says of his experience: "I
- wish it hadn't happened. I'm just an ordinary bloke just trying
- to do my job." XX
- Until now, Maria, 34, has been reluctant to talk publicly
- about her close encounters with UFOs because she does not want
- to be ridiculed. But she now believes the subject deserves to
- be treated more seriously, so has decided - with reservations -
- to break her silence.
- Maria still does not want her full name revealed. Her
- experiences are fascinating becuase, unlike Linda and Alan,
- Maria has never been subjected to hypnosis. It was Novenber
- 1990, when Maria, an agricultural research assistant,
- experienced a UFO sighting that was to trigger apparent past
- memories of the alien kind.
- "My husband was away when I was abducted from my bedroom,"
- she says. "I was left with physical injuries - a patch of hair
- missing from the back of my head, a circular patch of seven
- pinpricks on my little finger. Twice I had pregnancies confirmed
- by my doctor, then in the third month I was mysteriously not
- pregnant."
- Maria describes the encounter: "I was fast asleep when
- suddenly I felt as though unseen hands were shaking me. I sat up
- and looked at the clock. It was 3:40am. I felt compelled to look
- out the window, so I got out of bed. At first I remember
- thinking, with a smile on my face, 'Oh, look, it's Father
- Christmas'.
- "There were lights shimmering, then this wheel of light just
- came cartwheeling down into the garden. I panicked and ran into
- the hall where I saw a light. I was then told - not by a voice
- but by thought transference - to look at this light and that it
- wouldn't hurt me. As much as I tried not to look, I couldn't
- stop myself.
- "Next thing it was 90 minutes later and I was sitting in
- bed. My feet were dirty. There was blood on my pillow. I
- couldn't recall what had happened. "Over the past few years I
- have had flashbacks to that night. I have not been hypnotised,
- but I have spontaneously remembered things.
- "I recalled being walked down this long corridor by three
- small beings. They were a bronze colour and smelt terrible -
- like rotten mushrooms. I was then laid on a metallic table. I
- can remember certain things being done to me. My head and hair
- being held and a tremendously sharp pain at the back of my head
- - that must have been when my hair disappeared. The most
- frightening thing, though, was having a glass tube put up my
- nose. At that point, I thought they were going to kill me. I can
- remember thinking, 'I don't want to die like this'. The pain was
- considerable.
- "A few days later, I went to my doctor who referred me to a
- hospital consultant who could find no reason for my injuries. In
- fact, tests came back saying there was unusual cellular damage
- as well as a soft tissue injury to my cervix. They could not
- account for this. I have the signed medical records from my
- doctor and hospital consultant to prove it.
- "It's easy for people to say aliens don't exist, but
- physical symptoms don't just appear," says Maria.
- She says she doesn't like "ET theory", which goes against
- everything she believes in - "but something's going on. They are
- very real, but where they come from, I don't know. It's as
- though some external thing is saying to me, 'Right, today you
- will remember this'. I've no doubt at all that it's a specific
- course - a programmed course - and all of us are given just
- parts of the puzzle.
- "I feel aliens are around me a great deal. There have been a
- lot of UFO sightings in the area where I live - most recently
- only a few weeks ago. "I don't want to be hypnotised, because
- conscioulsy I know my mind couldn't cope with the experience.
- But on the other hand - perhaps I really don't want to know."
- XX Story: John Moore.
- Adelaide Hills grazier Andrew Davidson is frankly baffled.
- What spooked one of his horses to go into a wild, galloping,
- whinnying panic for a couple of nights recently? What caused a
- big, egg-shaped "circle" to appear mysteriously on a remote
- paddock about the same time?
- "It's almost as if you'd brought a huge branding iron down
- and went whoooosh and pulled it up again," Andrew says, shaking
- his head. "Like putting a brand on the hide of a cow - but the
- strange thing is, the grass isn't burned. It's more like it has
- had the life sucked out of it and been left lying down in flat
- patterns."
- Andrew, who owns a large sheep farm 35km east of Adelaide,
- points out the odd patterns - one clockwise, the other
- anti-clockwise. The dead grass patch [ring] is 56cm wide, forming
- an egg shape 22 metres by 13 metres. "There were no wheel marks
- - no trucks or tractors or rollers," Andrew says. "My mate can
- back me on that." (There were definately no signs of tracks when
- we went to the site 11 days later)
- Andrew's friend John Purvis was the first to find the circle
- as he cut across the paddock to get wood for his fire early on
- november 16. "The untouched surroundings really puzzled me. I
- raced home (he lives in a cottage on the property), got my video
- camera and recorded it.
- "It was weird about our horse, too. He was in the same
- paddock as the circle, and a few nights before I found it, he
- was galloping and whinnying and carrying on like a mad thing."
- Andrew Davidson's way of heading off the sceptics who might
- think he is crazy has been to call in a group of experts to
- unravel the mystery.
- "I got the agronomist from the Department of Agriculture at
- Mt Barker. I wasn't there when he called, but from what I've
- heard he was totally perplexed. When I talked to him later he
- said, 'Look, there's no biological or agricultural explanation -
- no fungus, no root-rot or weedkillers or anything like that."
- Graeme Budgen, a scientist with a consulting engineering
- company who did soil and radiation tests, found strange readings
- in the circle. The salt content in the circle was 40% higher
- than the rest of the paddock (a characteristic of "UFO circles")
- and radiation was up.
- "The moisture content is especially weird," Graeme says.
- "It's much higher on the circle than away from it, yet the soil
- on the circle feels and looks dry and crumbly and the rest of
- the paddock is soaking wet. There's something very strange here
- and I cannot conclude what has happened. My opinion is that it's
- no hoax. A hoaxer couldn't duplicate an elaborate thing like
- this." [There's a couple of very good photos, one showing the
- egg-shaped 'track' from an elevated position with three men
- standing inside, and one close up showing the 'dead' grass]
- Colin Norris, director of Australian International UFO
- Research, agrees. "I've looked into thousands of UFO phenomena
- and I can spot a fake a mile off. This is no hoax. There has
- been a visit from an extra-terrestrial craft here, for sure. In
- the eight weeks leading up to this I had a spate of UFO reports
- around these parts. The Air Force rang me because they were
- getting so many reports of lights moving and standing still in
- the Adelaide Hills."
- As the evidence piles up, Andrew Davidson admits his
- lifetime disbelief in UFOs has taken a battering. Crop circles,
- or "the calling cards of UFOs" as their believers call them,
- were first reported in 1976 and serious research began in 1980.
- One of the most controversial sites has been in the Wessex
- Triangle in England - an area rich in mystical associations and
- location of Stonehenge. XX
- Story: Liz Johnswood.
- ***End***
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